What are Creatures/Encounters ?

Creatures/Encounters are terms which were chosen to be used as a tool. Without clear definition, these terms try to create/find/regroup that which embodies aliveness, ubiquity, uncanniness, multilayeredness and limitlessness. As their Essence is undefinable, they have the ability to stretch one’s consciousness into the Unknown. Creatures/Encounters can take the form of artworks, experiences, animals, hybrids, atmospheres, places, objects, dreams, and much more. The humain power of imagination is their source. As imagination sprouts out of each one’s interiority, Creatures/Encounters invite to introspect and explore the inner microcosms that we all are made of. Depending on their moment of appearance and interaction with the Self – they may soothe, inspire, guide, empower, confuse, trigger, etc. Because their presence serves as a “mirror” or acts like an “energetic match”, parts of our Unconscious recieve an opportunity to be seen and explored. They act as messengers whose intention is to enlighten what is not yet percievable.

Self-portrait of my future self, colored pencils and eraser, 9 years old

Pokemons, real/plush animals, cartoons, toys, fables, etc. were predecessors for me. When I started to read books about different cultures, religions, the beginning of art and psychology, I realized that Creatures/Encounters are fundamental and familiar to everyone in some shape or another. I think that Creatures/Encounters already showed up in my early childhood drawings/paintings. It’s the process of spontaneous creation which let me express my inner world emotionally, than rather rationally. Creating that way has helped me to introspect and invite my Unconscious to be an active part of the artistic process. Now I build Creatures which interact with the viewer through non-verbal language and who serve as communicators. I believe that they are charged with psychological/spiritual subjects and suggest archetypal patterns. My everyday life is also inhabitated by Encounters. However, despite my effort to find words to grasp their existence, I believe that Creatures/Encounters are unseizable.

How to create/find/regroup them :

  • Creatures can be built through artistical expression, thus the process of creation arises from within and is transferred into the exterior. Here, the act of creation initiates the building of a potential Creature.

  • Creatures can also be found during day-to-day life through Encounters. In this case, their existence comes from the exterior and is transferred into the interior. Imaginative interpretation, anthropomorphism, zoomorphism, synesthesia, animism, pattern recognition, etc. can make these Encounters more apparent. Here, recognizing a Creature during daily life becomes the act of encountering.

Creatures :

Encounters :

